
Zombie croquet, gishwhes 2015

Every year, the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the Would Has Ever Seen (Gishwhes) invades the lives of thousands of people.  For one week, they find time to accomplishing things touching, silly, bizarre, challenging and occasionally moderately embarrassing, with their registration fees going to the Random Acts charity. This gem isContinue Reading

Imagery of Robert Fludd

History, Interrupted will likely go silent for the next few weeks while I work on edits for a manuscript accepted for publication. Ten years ago, I wrote Finding God in the World:  Approaches of the Renaissance Occult Philosophers to the Nature and Value of Matter as my master’s thesis.  ItContinue Reading

Varishka Twiceborn - Woman with dragon tattoo

This semester is running me ragged, so frequently the last thing I want to do when relaxing is do even more writing than all already am.  So, one of the ways I’m relaxing is getting back into artwork. The first image (above) came out of a friend’s Master’s thesis inContinue Reading

This is the last of the GISHWHES submissions.  You can read about previous ones involving myself as well as those submitted by my remote teammates. A Novel Life Form I created this the same day I made the tribute to Stonehenge Apocalypse (featured in a previous post).  By day’s end,Continue Reading


The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Known (GISHWHES) has kept me mostly silent this past week as I have run around town being generally insane.  The contest has now ended, although it will be at least a month before winners are announced. The contest was a weekContinue Reading

On Saturday, I will by cycling 62 miles (100 km, which we call a metric century) in the Trek 100 and am looking for pledges.  All money goes toward research into fighting childhood cancers.  Currently, I’m $14 short of my goal of $124, which is $2 for each mile biked.Continue Reading