Continuing from my first installment of submissions…
All GISHWHES teams have exactly 15 members. Since we had a team of three, we were combined with other teams, a totally of five teams of three, to be exact. Here is the second installment of hilarity from our GISHWHES team, this time from our non-local team members.
Create the next hip facial hair look or hipster accessory

Trickle-down economics
You’ve heard of Ronald Reagan’s “Trickle-down Economics”? The idea is that when rich people get richer, they spend more money doing things like getting their nails done and having their Porches waxed, and that in turn creates more jobs for pedicurist and car washers and other lower income families.Show us what trickle-down ice-cream-onomics looks like: One person on top, messily eating an enormous, melting Sunday, with two people on the floor below, trying to catch the drippings in their mouths as they fall. This needs to be a real mess.
Let’s see a fully dressed, face-painted geisha mowing the lawn.

Obviously,everyone’s favorite Captain of the USS Enterprise was Jean-Luc Picard. Create a heroic Captain Picard using condiments.
Gingerbread Villages are always so cute and quaint. Make a gingerbread village that shows urban blight: needle exchanges, prostitution,heavy police presence, etc.