Blog (Page 3)

Alien Guy from History Channel saying "Grain Storage"

BuzzFeed recently uncovered an old video of now-presidential hopeful Ben Carson expressing the belief that ancient Egyptian pyramids were granaries rather than the archeologically accepted explanation of them being tombs. When asked, Carson acknowledged that he still holds this belief. “My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramidsContinue Reading

Doctor Who Zygon Invasion Quote

  This week, “The Zygon Invasion” revealed the shapeshifting Zygons, galactic refugees since their world was destroyed, have been secretly welcomed into the Earth population. After a rather unique peace treaty was hammered out after “Day of the Doctor,” UNIT allowed 20 million Zygons to masquerade as humans and liveContinue Reading

Ashieldr, Doctor Who

In “The Woman Who Lived” this week on Doctor Who, the long-lived Ashildr explained how she gave up having children because she grew tired of burying them. Specifically, she lost three small children to the Black Death in the 14th century. The reality of most of history, however, is thatContinue Reading

Lonely Doctor, Doctor Who

As humans, we count our age in years and measure cultural change in decades. Human civilization of any sort has existed a mere 5000 years. The species itself is 200,000 years old, give or take. Gallifreyan civilization, on the other hand, can be measured in billions of years. They wereContinue Reading

Weeping Angels "Blink" Doctor Who

“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly… timey-wimey… stuff.” – The Doctor, “Blink” There’s two ways of writing time travel fiction. The first is to rigorously uphold exact laws. The second approach toContinue Reading

Pompeii excavation site

Sometimes,, historical tragedy is the archaeologist’s best friend. Most cities slowly fade into obscurity as people gradually pack up their belongings and move away, chasing greener or safer pastures. The buildings they leave behind slowly crumble until there’s nothing left but foundations which often become buried by debris, newer construction,Continue Reading

Tut on Spike TV

I would have loved to have been in the programming meeting at Spike TV the day the miniseries Tut was conceived. I envision some very brave visionary suggesting that what the network really needed to round out its schedule of Cops, Jail, and World’s Wildest Police Videos was a historicalContinue Reading