Another winner from Grumpy Eleanor of Aquitaine: I love the disclaimer on the source page: Yes, I know her costume is not historically accurate – she was a commission and was specifically requested *not* to be! To be clear, I in no way blame the maker for this.  He orContinue Reading

Amy and Rory

While I disagree with some of the specifics,What Steven Moffat Doesn’t Understand About Grief, And Why It’s Killing Doctor Who illustrates the power of death in fiction and, arguably, why Doctor Who needs more of it. When the new series started, the Doctor had been forced to kill two warring racesContinue Reading

11 Doctors

Whatever is going to happen this weekend for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary, it is expected to be big.  Clearly it is pulling together a variety of threads from many years of the show.  If you’re less than a die hard fan but have still seen some of it, thisContinue Reading